Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mind Vs Heart

Mind shows you the limit
Heart binds you with limits

Mind teaches you to like
Heart teaches you to love

Mind Thinks
Heart accepts

Mind is the strongest
Is Heart the weakest???

By Manjula
originally written on 05-Dec-2004

What should I call you?

What should I call you?

When I am alone
You were my companion
When I am depressed
You were my hope
When I am happy
You were my Smile
When I wanted to cry
You were my tears

I always need you
Where are you?

For every feeling in my heart
You are my expression
For every thought in my mind
You are the action
For my Life
You are the breath

You are always with me
Who are you?
I always need you
What should I call you

by Manjula
Originally written 20-Oct-2004